Best Earplugs for Sleeping, Concerts, and Swimming in the UK

Review & Comparison, Last Update October 11, 2024
Earplugs let you enjoy music festivals without suffering any long-term hearing issues. These plugs also enable you to peacefully ...Read more

The plugs muffle loud noises, all whilst retaining that full tonal spectrum and fidelity that you want to hear at the concerts. Incorporating these triple slats that adapt to the ear and effectively block harmful noises, these 'plugs fit perfectly. The earplugs' transparent material enables unobtrusive usage, making these things pretty much invisible. 


The pulling strap can be difficult to grab for people with large fingers. 


You can bring these Senner MotoPro earplugs with you anywhere and everywhere you go. They're brilliant for long journeys. The 'plugs are more than suitable for outdoor and indoor concerts. The aluminium storage case that comes supplied with these 'plugs can be hooked to any keyring/keychain/carabiner. 

detailed parameters


Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)

18 dB




Hypoallergic and durable silicone 


Patented SennerAcousticPro insulation filter, integrated pulling strap, aluminium case for keyring included




Amazon's 30-day return policy


Featuring 22-decibel noise reduction rating, these things will let you fall asleep anywhere. The plugs fit all ears. When the 'plug is too big, you can remove excess material and easily achieve that perfect fit. The case is translucent/transparent, so you'll be able to view the contents before opening the case. 


The 'plugs can take some time to get used to. 


Deep Sleeps Soft Silicone Reusable Ear Plugs don't discriminate. These earplugs will let anyone fall asleep practically anywhere. Using these things, you'll be waking up feeling more rested because you've spent more time in REM sleep.

detailed parameters


Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)

~22 dB




Soft silicone


Reusable, container included 




Amazon's 30-day return policy


The plugs' soft silicone composition makes them especially light and unobstructive. You'll barely feel them when wearing. The earplugs come equipped with these sturdy detachable cords that you can attach to goggles whilst swimming so you don't have to go searching for them when the plugs drop from the ear canals.


The storage case is not that sturdy. 


Aside from swimming, Eargrace Swimming Ear Plugs are very much suitable for showering, bathing, and various water sports. The three-flange shape makes these things particularly effective at preventing water from entering the auditory ear canal. In turn, you'll be reducing ear infections risks. 

detailed parameters


Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)





Soft silicone


Reusable, waterproof, 2 removable cords, storage case included




Amazon's 30-day return policy


The plugs' 28-decibel noise reduction rating means that these things will be able to muffle aeroplanes' engines. Made from energy-absorbing polymer foam, these plugs are as lightweight and snug as earplugs get. They're moisture-resistant too. The price's brilliant considering the 50-count package. 


The earplugs are very noticeable. 


EAR Classic II 3M Classic Earplugs are great for home use and occasional travel use. You won't have to carry any cases. You can reuse them or use the plugs once and throw them away. You'll be able to fall asleep anywhere where noise's a problem.

detailed parameters


Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)

28 dB




Polymer foam 


Reusable, Moisture-resistant




Amazon's 30-day return policy


Quies Natural Wax Earplugs are soft, snug, and cosy. The plugs' malleable and somewhat adherent texture enables them to form this completely waterproof seal that protects the ear canal and lets you go swimming in these things. Also, the plugs warm to the body’s temperature and adapt to the ear canal's unique shape, creating tight and comfortable fit. 


The plugs are disposable, you won't be able to use them more than once. 


Quies Natural Wax Earplugs are soft, snug, and cosy. They're an excellent last-minute solution. The 27-decibel noise reduction rating means you can bring these earplugs onto aeroplanes too. The rating tells you these things will be able to muffle the plane's engines enough to let you fall asleep.

detailed parameters


Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)

27 dB




Natural wax


Disposable, waterproof




Amazon's 30-day return policy

Practically Invisible

Senner MotoPro plugs are pretty much everything we look for in earplugs. These things protect the ears without compromising sound quality and performance.

The plugs muffle loud noises, all whilst retaining that full tonal spectrum and fidelity that you want to hear at the concerts.

Incorporating these triple slats that adapt to the ear and effectively block harmful noises, these 'plugs fit perfectly. At the same time, the earplugs' transparent material enables unobtrusive usage, making these things pretty much invisible.

Thanks to the integrated pulling strap, the plugs are fairly easy to remove. The only issue here is that the strap is pretty small, so people with chunky fingers might occasionally find it difficult to grab the strap.

The company's patented SennerAcousticPro insulation filter works wonders blocking up to ~18 decibels. Moreover, the hypoallergic and durable silicone is more than suitable for prolonged wear. You won't have to deal with itching and/or any pain caused by pressure.

Finally, the aluminium storage case that comes supplied with these 'plugs can be hooked to any keyring/keychain/carabiner.

Bottom line, you can bring these Senner MotoPro earplugs with you anywhere and everywhere you go. They're brilliant for long journeys. The 'plugs are more than suitable for outdoor and indoor concerts. You can wear these things anywhere without worrying about your appearance.

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Last updated price £16.95
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Sleep Tight

Deep Sleeps Soft Silicone Reusable Ear Plugs are as universal and versatile as these 'plugs come.

Featuring 22-decibel noise reduction rating, these things will let you fall asleep anywhere.

You can even bring them to concerts and music festivals. The only problem here is that they don't have any tech that retains sound quality.

Creating an airtight seal over the ear canal, these plugs are able to dampen any noise.

The plugs fit all ears. When the 'plug is too big, you can remove excess material and easily achieve that perfect fit.

They might take some time to get used to because the soft silicone here is slightly different compared to ordinary plugs.

On the flip side, these things are very much reusable and easy to clean using alcohol gel or warm soapy water.

The container that comes supplied with these earplugs is really nice. First, it is translucent/transparent, so you'll be able to view the contents before opening the case. Second, it is able to keep these reusable earplugs safe when you aren't using them, which's great considering how slim and compact the case is.

In other words, Deep Sleeps Soft Silicone Reusable Ear Plugs don't discriminate. These silicone earplugs will let anyone fall asleep practically anywhere. Using these things, you'll be waking up feeling more rested because you've spent more time in REM sleep.

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Last updated price £8.99
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Go Swimming

As you would imagine, Eargrace Swimming Ear Plugs have been designed for swimming. Shocker, we know. They're really good though.

The plugs' soft silicone composition makes them especially light and unobstructive. You'll barely feel them when wearing. The earplugs' comfortable shape pretty much guarantees comfort-fit, even when you wear them for an extended time.

As far as the plugs' primary purpose is concerned, the three-flange shape makes these things most effective at preventing water from entering the auditory ear canal. In turn, you'll be reducing ear infections risks.

Other than that, these earplugs for swimming are as easy-to-use as they come and extremely lightweight, meaning that when you go swimming and these things drop from ear canals, they'll float on water, so you'll be able to catch them and insert again with no issues whatsoever.

Plus, the plugs come equipped with these sturdy detachable cords that you can attach to goggles whilst swimming so you don't have to go searching for them when the plugs drop from the ear canals.

The storage case that these plugs come in is not that sturdy though.

Aside from swimming, Eargrace Swimming Ear Plugs are very much suitable for showering, bathing, and various water sports. The soft silicone's recyclable.

Last updated price £8.99
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Best Earplugs for Sleeping

EAR Classic II 3M Classic Earplugs have been designed to let you fall asleep under any circumstances (noise-wise).

The plugs' 28-decibel noise reduction rating means that these things are practically soundproof and will easily be able to muffle aeroplanes' engines. You'll be able to fall asleep anywhere where noise's a problem. Come nighttime, you'll be travelling in total silence. 

Made from energy-absorbing polymer foam, these plugs are as lightweight and practical as earplugs get.

Setting noise blocking aside, the only downside regarding practicality is that the plugs are pretty large and very much noticeable, meaning they won't be winning any aesthetics award anytime soon.

Setting aesthetics aside though, we've no qualms with these things. The earplugs are reusable, though considering the price and that there are 50 plugs inside the bag, you can justify using them once and throwing the 'plugs away.

They're moisture-resistant though, so you won't have to necessarily dispose of them. You might even be able to shower in these things (though don't confuse the plugs' moisture resistance with water resistance).

All things considered, EAR Classic II 3M Classic Earplugs are great for home use and occasional travel use. You won't have to carry any cases. You can reuse them or use the plugs once and throw them away.

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Last updated price £8.79
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Snug and Cosy

Quies Natural Wax Earplugs are soft, snug, and cosy. The plugs' malleable and somewhat adherent texture enables them to form this completely waterproof seal that protects the ear canal and lets you go swimming in these things.

At the same time, the plugs attenuate the sound (slightly though, not as completely as expensive earplugs for musicians), so you can bring these things to concerts and music festivals.

The 27-decibel noise reduction rating means you can bring these earplugs onto aeroplanes too. The rating tells you these things will be able to muffle the plane's engines enough to let you fall asleep.

The plugs warm to the body’s temperature and adapt to the ear canal's unique shape, creating tight and comfortable fit.

They're hypoallergic too, making these ear protectors suitable for prolonged wear and even everyday use (when on vacations, for instance).

We wouldn't necessarily dub that the product's downside but, as you'd imagine, the natural wax composition makes these earplugs disposable, meaning you won't be able to use them more than once. The price reflects that though.

All in all, Quies Natural Wax Earplugs are an excellent last-minute solution and something you might want to keep at hand.

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Last updated price £4.75
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What Are Earplugs?

Earplugs are underrated. Even the most expensive plugs are pretty affordable and how much protection these things bring to the table is hard to oversell. The plugs on this list fall under sound-dampening and swimming categories. With swimming plugs, there's not much to cover/consider. You're good as long as the plugs are airtight, waterproof, and comfortable.

Sound-dampening earplugs are more complicated. There are plugs designed for concerts, music festivals, and practice. These plugs don't necessarily block that much noise because the tech these things incorporate is there to let you hear the music's highs and lows first and foremost.

Earplugs for sleeping, on the other hand, block as much ambient noise as possible (usually somewhere around 25-30 decibels). These plugs let you sleep on planes, even with people snoring next to you. More often than not, these models enable you to peacefully sleep pretty much anywhere. These plugs are also great at shooting ranges.

Sometimes, these plugs are disposable. Other times, look into the storage case that usually comes supplied with these things because you'll be storing/transporting them using that case.

Noise-cancelling headphones are obviously more expensive but they get the job done too, all whilst letting you listen to your favourite music.

Sometimes, these earplugs are not enough. That's when you should look into hearing protectors.

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