Best Ovulation Tests to Know Your Fertile Days for Sure in the UK

Review & Comparison, Last Update December 30, 2024
Sometimes the plans of getting pregnant may be complicated by different factors. Ovulation tests have been invented to let you know ...Read more
Owing to dual hormone indicator, test strips determine not only luteinizing hormone but also oestrogen level, which gives you a chance to predict ovulation a bit earlier.
If you remove batteries from the test holder, it will stop working.
The Clearblue test will help you indicate your most fertile days with the maximum precision. You won't face any difficulties reading the results. A 10-strip pack is also available.
detailed parameters
Urine test
4 or more
5 minutes
1 digital holder, 20 test sticks, Instructions
With the ability to use this test either as a test strip or a "midstream" test, you can choose the most suitable way for you. Easy-to-read results (a smiley face or a circle) add to the usability of tests.
Test strips aren't sold separately.
Modern design and digital technologies combined in the Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test make the process of ovulation prediction easy and highly hygienic .
detailed parameters
Urine test
3 minutes
1 test holder, 20 test sticks, English/ Spanish insert
Each test strip has its individual package with the instructions printed on it so that you can perform an ovulation test properly.
To get precise results, you should dip the strip into 20mI urine only.
By choosing this effective and wallet-friendly One Step test, you'll be able to use it during several periods. You can also select 2 packs of 50 tests.
detailed parameters
Urine test
5 minutes
Test strips, Instructions
A metal lipstick-like case protects the ovulation microscope from falls and bumps, thus providing its durability. Its 50x magnifying lens lets you see the results with the maximum accuracy.
Long nails may cause some difficulties when pushing light button.
Since the Fairhaven Health Fertile Focus Ovulation Microscope is completely reusable and suitable for daily use, it will become a perfect choice for women with a variable cycle length.
detailed parameters
Saliva test
Completely reusable
5 minutes
Personal ovulation microscope, Metal case, Instructions

The One Step Fertility Pack comes with a basal thermometer, so you have more chances to determine your ovulation period with better precision. 


Only 10 test strips are included.


With the One Step Fertility Pack at hand, you'll not only learn the days when you're most fertile but will also be able to track whether or not you've managed to conceive. 

detailed parameters

Urine test






5 minutes




10 test sticks, 10 pregnancy strips, Digital basal thermometer

Identify a Wider Fertile Window

If you’re planning to make a baby, you probably know that chances to get pregnant increase during fertile days. To identify them, you need a high-quality OPK, and the Clearblue Digital Advanced Ovulation Test is exactly the one. This innovative test boasts a dual hormone indicator which determines not only LH but oestrogen surge as well. Since the levels of the latter hormone increase a bit earlier than LH, you’ll be able to identify your 4 most fertile days. Note that it’s easy to read the results as they are shown on a screen in the shape of smiles. Moreover, taking readings doesn't take a lot of time. Only 5 minutes of waiting, and you’ll know whether it’s worth trying to conceive or not. As you can see, identifying fertile days with the Clearblue Digital Advanced Ovulation Test is quite an easy process. But remember that to get the most precise results, it is recommended to do tests for several days in a row.

A pregnancy planning requires a woman to be absolutely healthy, and drinking a detox tea can help you improve your overall health at an early stage.

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Quick and Convenient

If you want to get pregnant, the best way to do this is to have sex during ovulation, and the best way to detect this period is to use Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test. Measuring luteinizing hormone level (the one which determines women’s fertility) in your urine, this test identifies 1-2 most fertile days of the cycle. Taking the test is quite an easy process that consists of several steps.

1. Open the box, take the holder, and remove its cap.

2. Take a test strip out of the foil wrapper and insert it into the holder. To do it right, follow a pink arrow showing where exactly you should put the strip.

3. Wait till Test Ready sign appears.

4. Now you can perform the test. The great advantage of Clearblue Digital test is that you can use it either as a test strip or a midstream test. Whatever way you choose, keep in mind that the holder shouldn’t be wet. 

5. You don’t need to make guesses whether you hold the strip in urine long enough. The device will inform you that the test is ready with a special symbol. 

6. To get the result, you need to wait for 3 minutes and then look at the display. If you’re ovulating, you’ll see a smiley face on the display. If it’s not the best time to get pregnant, you'll see a circle. 

7. As soon as you get the results, remove the strip and throw it away. 

As you can see, the procedure is really fast and trouble-free. And, of course, it’s accurate. With Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test, you can be sure that you will always get 99% precise results.

Getting Ready for a Childbirth

One of the most widespread troubles pregnant women experience is fear and anxiety connected with a childbirth. The closer due date is, the more worried women become. They’re afraid of doing something wrong and often feel nervous and insecure. However, such state is often caused by groundless worries. To avoid them, we recommend you to follow these simple steps.

  • Visit childbirth classes. You’ll get a lot of useful information to quit yourself of fear.
  • Read literature about pregnancy and delivery. However, keep in mind that the information can vary from book to book. That’s why it’s important to pick what you read very selectively.
  • Psychological techniques, for example, autogenic training and visualisation will help you keep positive and assured that everything will be fine.
  • Listening to calm music, watching favourite movies, and walking are a guarantee of relaxation and a peace of mind.

More Products to Consider

To store ovulation tests and other medicine, a medicine cabinet will surely come in handy.

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Highly Sensitive

Since ovulation is characterised by LH surge, OPKs are aimed at determining this very hormone in woman’s urine or saliva. If you want to get 99% accurate results, consider the One Step Urine Ovulation Strip Tests. Yet, to get the maximum precise readings, it’s necessary to follow some rules.

1. Follow the instructions printed on individual packages of test strips. To carry out the test, gather 20 ml of urine into a dry sterile container. Then, hold a test strip in urine vertically for several seconds. As soon as you do it, wait for 5 minutes and check the results. If you’re experiencing LH surge, you’ll see one more line near a control one. The two lines of the same brightness mean you’re ovulating.

2. If the line you see on a strip is lighter than the control one, the test should be carried out once again, which you can easily keep doing for several days in a row. Since the maximum level of luteinizing hormone remains unchangeable for up to 24 hours, it’s even possible to do two tests a day.

3. It isn’t recommended to drink a lot of liquid 3-4 hours before the test in order not to affect test results.

As soon as you get pregnant, consider practising prenatal yoga which can help you improve your overall well-being. To make your exercises safer and more comfortable, you might need a yoga mat.

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The Sooner the Better

Being a nice alternative to urine ovulation kits, Fairhaven Health Fertile Focus Ovulation Microscope will precisely determine each ovulation period 72 hours before it. As it was already mentioned, the pre-ovulatory phase is characterised by high levels of oestrogen and luteinizing hormone. With Fairhaven Health test aimed at determining the former one, you’ll fix the best time to get pregnant on reading the results through the microscope. Its 50x magnifying lens was specifically designed to show you a precise picture of hormone development. As soon as you let your saliva dry on the microscope, turn the light on, and you’ll see one of the following results.

  • Non-Fertile – chaotic dots mean that ovulation won’t happen soon.
  • Transitional – tiny fern patterns and small crystals are distinctive among the dots. It means that an egg isn’t mature yet.
  • Fertile – a distinct fern pattern appears which is a true sign that ovulation is about to happen or you’re already ovulating.

Choosing a Pregnancy Test

Although there are several ways to check whether a woman is pregnant or not, the most popular, though, is buying a home pregnancy test. Being produced by numerous companies, these tests can be divided into 2 types – test strips and digital tests. Regardless of the type, they both detect HCG in women’s urine. Actually, choosing home pregnancy test is a matter of preference. If you still have doubts which one is better, ask a pharmacist for advice. Once you find out you are pregnant, you’ll need to visit your gynaecologist for further Pelvic examination.

More Products to Consider

Reading educational literature about pregnancy is a nice way to prepare for this important event. 

Also, don't forget to prepare a nursery. Get one of the baby cribs and a crib mattress for it.

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All You Need in One Pack

By choosing the One Step Fertility Pack, you’ll get more than a simple OPK. Taking a look at the contents of the box, you'll see that in addition to the ovulation test strips it also contains a digital basal thermometer, a fertility chart, and pregnancy tests. 10 ovulation and 10 pregnancy strips come in individual packages with printed instructions, allowing you to carry out tests the way they need to be done. The tests are 99% precise, which means you're almost guaranteed to get the accurate results. Using the strips together with the basal thermometer, you will be able to track your ovulation even more accurately as well as learn the exact days when you're most fertile. The One Step Fertility Pack is surely one of the best kits out there with the help of which you can not only plan your pregnancy but also keep track of how successful your attempts to conceive have been.

Why to Measure Basal Temperature

Measuring a basal body temperature (BBT) is one of the best and most accurate methods of finding out whether or not a woman is ovulating, as your body never lies. BBT is the lowest body temperature that tends to be equally low before ovulation and rises slightly after ovulation. To measure BBT accurately and figure when you have the most fertile days, it’s important to follow a few rules:

  • Measure your BBT at the same time every morning when you lie awake in your bed;
  • Try to keep a thermometer, pen and a printed chart within your reach so that you don't need to get out of bed to get them;
  • Keep track of your daily temperature using a fertility chart or a mobile app;
  • Analyze the results of several months of daily measurements to find out your cycle pattern;
  • Use a special BBT thermometer to obtain the accurate temperature measurement with the precision of 1/10 degree.

On Guard of Your Safety

You'll be pleased to find the “FDA Cleared” mark on the One Step Fertility Pack that tells customers that this product has been thoroughly tested and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for use. 

Last updated price £7.35
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What is an Ovulation Test?

If you are planning to make a baby, it’s important to choose the right day for conception. To do it properly, you’ll need ovulation prediction kits (also known as OPKs). The aim of these kits is to determine the level of luteinizing hormone (LH). The fact is that this hormone reaches its peak before the ovulation, thus, pointing out the most fertile days.

If your dream of getting pregnant came true, there are some things you’ll definitely need in 9 months. Some of them are diapers, changing tables, and diaper bags.

What Features to Compare


Actually, choosing the type of ovulation kit is a matter of preference. All of them are easy to use, so it’s up to you to pick among the three major types.

  • Urine tests can be subdivided into test strips (you need to dip them into collected urine) and midstream tests (need to be held in urine stream). They usually identify 1-2 fertile days.
  • Saliva tests are small ovulation microscopes that show estrogen levels. Such tests allow you to identify 2-5 fertile days. By the way, saliva tests are completely reusable.
  • Finally, digital fertility monitors can detect hormone levels in both urine and saliva. They are easy to read and unlimited in use.

Reaction Time and Accuracy

As a rule, urine tests show the results in 3-5 minutes after dipping. As for saliva tests, you can check the results in 5-15 minutes after saliva dries. Modern tests provide 98 – 99.9% accuracy.

Set and Conveniences

What you’ll find in the box usually depends on the type of a test. In general, the manufacturers of urine tests put several dozens of test strips inside to rid you of the necessity to buy them separately every month. Speaking about saliva OPKs, they can be sold together with carry cases, fertility charts, and other useful extras.

How to:


1. How to Use Ovulation Predictor Kits, BabyCentre. April 2013.

2. Fran Molloy The Ovulation TestHuggies.

3. Ovulation Home Test, MedlinePlus. September 5, 2015. 

4. Deborah Gaines Ovulation: Pros and Cons of Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs), Parents. 

5. Lucy Dimbylow How to Choose the Best Ovulation KitNetmums.


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